Art Framing With Fabric

art framed with fabric mats

Art framing with fabric has been used in high end framing for a long time! There are so many choices with fabrics and the way we use fabric has evolved over the years and shifted away from its main use for high end art to almost anything. The different textures and the way fabric colors are seen is just beautiful and can add quite some excitement to your framed art.

At Underglass here at our frame shop in San Francisco we offer a wide range of textiles for framing and the way we use it differs depending on your art. We do traditional hand-wrapped fabric mats, we can float your art on fabric and we use fabric to line your shadowbox. Fabric can be part of a minimal design as much as it can be used to enhance a traditional painting or a photograph.

small shadow box frame with fabric mat and walls.


Momorabilia Framing - Sleek And Modern


Museum Quality Framing for Contemporary Art