Fall Colors Inspired Picture Frames

Fall colors inspire us as picture framers and we are looking forward to helping as many of our clients during fall re-imagining your picture frame walls!

At Underglass Custom Picture Framing here in San Francisco we are so lucky to see a lot of beautiful art! Japanese contemporary woodblock printer Hajime Namiki , whose work was recently shown at Art House SF, masters detail and color in his work! 

We built a simple maple custom frame for “Dogwood 13” with a bright white 8 ply mat and a sliver of gold underneath, and we left a good margin of the white art paper to include the signature and gave the whole design room to breath.

Also, loving the square aspect of tree and custom frame! This piece and its small size ( less than 20” ) makes a perfect little addition to any picture frame gallery!

Our frame shop in San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood is open 7 days a week.


End Of Summer…Perfect Time For New Wall Frames